which one is a guy!

Transfer the pain of the child birth

A Russian scientists discovered a way to transfer some of the pain of the child birth from the mother to the father. They find a couple and volunteer them for the experiment. As the woman is a about to go into labor(in Russia man were not allowed to be in the hospital where women gave birth) the scientists call the guy.
“Comrade, are you ready?”
“Whatever, comrade … click(hangs up)”
Puzzled scientists turn the machine to 10% call the guy again.
“Comrade, how are you feeling?”
“Fine, comrade … click”
Even more puzzled crank it to 50%, the women looks much better. Call the guy.
“Comrade, how are you feeling now?”
“(Annoyed) Fine, stop calling me every 5 minutes … click”
Finally, giving up the scientist crank it all the way up and call the guy.
“Comrade, tell us the truth how are you doing?”
“Shitty comrade, I am trying to watch a soccer game, my team is losing, you ass holes keep calling me every 5 minutes and my damn neighbor is screaming as if he is giving birth.”